Please note that the deletion of an account is irreversible.
Thus, once your request has been taken into account, you will no longer have access to any of the MONI services, your subscriptions will be terminated and you will not be able to reactivate your account.
To send us a request, several options are available to you:
- Send an email to the address with your request (remember to mention the account email address if it is not the one you are writing with)
- Send your request from the contact form at the bottom of this article
- Go to the "Settings" section of your customer area and click on "Delete my account" at the bottom of the page. A pre-filled email will open in your mailbox and you will just have to send it.
We will get back to you by email once the cancellation is complete.
💡 Do you want to cancel your account due to a problem you are experiencing? Contact us, we can help you solve this problem!